September 20, 2019

Jensen Global Advisors has two cars available for drivers to compete in the F4 US Championship races at the United States Grand Prix in Austin Texas on the weekend November 1-3, 2019
Jensen Global Advisors has developed more than 100 race car drivers and now two talented drivers have the opportunity to join the renown team to compete in the F4 United States Championship races at the United States Grand Prix in Austin, Texas, Nov. 1-3
Competing on the same weekend with Formula One is a unique opportunity for young drivers to showcase that they are top prospects to be considered to join F1 junior driver development programs.
Jensen Global Advisors has a strong history in the F4 category. After Benjamin Pedersen trained with the Jensen Global Advisors team before hitting the Circuit of the Americas track, Pedersen went on to win three out of the five F4 U.S. races at COTA in the 2017 season,
Jensen Global Advisors also won the 2019 West Coast F4 Winter Championship with driver Logan Cusson, who drove the blue F4 car available for US F1 races.
Pre-race testing will be included in the F4 US Grand Prix program, with options to complete two or three test days. To read about Jensen Global Advisors development programs visit: 3 DAY RACING CAMP
For more details, contact Eric Jensen via email at
And for more information about the F4 US championship, visit